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Aging with a Future in Mürztal


Aging with a future in Mürztal is an initiative by the Styrian Government and social insurance carriers financed by the health promotion fonds. It aims at an healthy, self-determined and positive aging.
Inspire´s contribution to the project is organising guided tours with a participative approach. The participants tell each other their experiences and stories they connect with a specific place. The tours last about 2 hours and take place in public spaces. Every tour is related to the issue of health and aging.
These tours help to make the common knowledge of people about the local region visible. Stories, memories and perceptions are documented and shared. Every participant gets first-hand current as well as historical information. Due to different routes, topics, and participants the tours are very revealing and locally colored.
The results of these tours are the basis for further measures in the project “Aging with a Future in Mürztal” and support improvements on local and regional level. The tours strengthen existing good-practices and convey that an age-appropriate municipality/town/region is a benefit for all inhabitants.

Duration: 04/2015–12/2017

Contact: Mag.a Edith Zitz


Tour 1:

Mobility for seniors – Guided tour through Kapfenberg
28.1.2016, 14:00, start and end at the Hotel Böhlerstern in Kapfenberg, duration appr. 2 hrs

Presentation: Mobility for seniors – A topic that affects the region.- Mag.Dr. Tatjana Fischer
28.1.2016, 17:00, Hotel Böhlerstern

Folder_Mobilität im Alter


Tour 2:

railway stations
23.3.2016, 9:00 – 12:00, start at Stadtplatz Mürzzuschlag, by bus and train through Mürzzuschlag, Wartberg and Krieglach


Tour 3:

Health tour Mürzzuschlag
4.4.2016, 13:30, start and end at Sozialpsychiatrische Tagesstruktur Mürzzuschlag, Rettet das Kind, duration appr. 1,5 Std


Tour 4:

Common municipality tour round St. Barbara
11.4.2016, 15:30, start und end at the Volkshaus Wartberg, duration appr. 2 hrs

Presentation: Healthy aging throug training, diet and social support – Prof. Dr. Thomas Ernst Dorner
11.4.2016, 18:00-21:00, Volkshaus Wartberg


Tour 5:

virtual tour in Kapfenberg
9.5.2016, 14:00 – 15:30, virtual tour through the internet focusing on topics of health and aging


Tour 6:

Hiking in Halltal
6.6.2016, 10:00-15:00, hike to Mooshuben and Walstern


Tour 7:

Romanian Community
11.6.2016, 14:30 – appr. 17:30 starts in Kapfenberg, hike to Grüner See

Information/registration: Mrs. Ines Spath-Dreyer, altern.mit.zukunft@ifgp.at oder 0502350/37932


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