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SOMEBA – SOcial MEdia in Literacy and BAsic Skills Programmes


Developments in Social Media over the past years have had an enormous impact on society. Individual daily routines and the way people communicate with each other have started to change through the influence of Social Media such as Facebook our Youtube. This huge shift effecting everyday life brings along multiple opportunities and chances but also opens the digital and social gap between people either being on- or off-line. Especially socially marginalized learners lacking basic skills are becoming more and more excluded, and if connected, tend to overlook the pitfalls.

To react to this situation the partners in SOMEBA especially aim at:

• An exchange of know-how and expertise concerning the implementation of Social Media in adult education for socially marginalized learners
• Identifying options for development in the area of training for socially marginalized people in order to avoid the digital gap widening.
• Discussing the needs of learners in relation to Social Media. Implications for and possibilities for implementation of Social Media in Literacy and Basic Skills Provision will be discussed in Partnership Meetings/Workshops.

Individual workshops will concentrate on the following topics:

• Didactics and methodology / involving learners
• Train the trainer concepts
• Education marketing and acquisition of learners.
• Financing of programmes for socially marginalized learners / collaboration with manufacturers of mobile equipment and tools and presentation of results of research.

Results will be disseminated and discussed over national networks, Partner newsletters and websites, participation in national and transnational conferences and meetings and articles in local newspapers.

Duration: 08/2011–07/2013

Bundesverband Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung e.V. (BVAG ), Münster, DE
EB Zürich, Kantonale Berufsschule für Weiterbildung, Zürich, CH
Tekkeköy İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, Samsun, TR
Ud’Anet New Enterprise Technology, Torrevecchia Teatina, IT
inspire – Verein für Bildung und Management, Graz, AT (koordinierende Einrichtung).


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